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Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are standardized terms assigned to every citation added to PubMed to highlight the topics covered in the article. Understand MeSH and make them work fo you!
Here's a list of one article's list of MeSH Terms:
You can directly search for MeSH terms to use in your search.
1) Change the dropdown to MeSH before searching for a single term.
2) Quickly narrow in on a topic by selecting a sub-heading.
3) Focus your search even more by selecting the option to Restrict to MeSH Major Topic.
4) Take a look at the term trees, which show broader and narrower terms. Note that any term below the one you search for will be included.
5) Use the options on the right to search in PubMed for the terms you find in the MeSH database.
Be sure when you search PubMed directly to check the Advance Page and review the details on how your search was translated. Did it find MeSH terms? Do they make sense? If not, try looking at some articles to see what MeSH were assigned and then add those terms to your search.
Use the Advanced page to review your search history, review how a search was translated (1), return to searches (2), combine searches (3), or even start a new search (4).
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Create an account using an account you already own such as Google, Microsoft, or Facebook.
Once you have an account you can do many things, such as:
Step 1) After searching go to Advanced to see search strategies
Step 2) Go to Download to save CSV/Excel file