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MAHEC Research Curriculum

Learning Objectives

Searching the Literature

At the end of this independent learning module, participants will:

  • Be able to identify search terms and build a search.
  • Understand how to apply the following when searching PubMed:
    • Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)
    • Nesting similar terms
    • Truncation
    • Quotations for phrase searching
    • Mesh terms
    • Field tags
    • Filters
  • Know when to ask a librarian for assistance.

Independent Learning

Watch the following videos:
Bonus Activity

Using the strategies from the videos, build a PubMed search for a question you recently encountered in your work. Reach out to a librarian to get feedback on the search you create. Hint: Simply copy and paste your final search or the search history from the Advanced page and send that to your librarian.  (10-20 minutes)

Assess Your Learning


Next Module: Critical Appraisal

Copyright & Reuse


All original content on this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

All linked-to content adheres to its respective license.

You are free to copy, share, remix, and build on these works as long as you use them in accordance with the terms of this license. When using these works, you must provide attribution and not use them for commercial gain, among other terms and conditions.

Suggested citation: Mountain Area Health Education Center. (2023). MAHEC Research Curriculum.